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Unleash Your Potential

Help for writers who want to publish and share their work.

We Are Your Team

Start your journey to becoming a successful self-published author today!

Currently Writing
Your Book

  • Unlock your potential as a writer with our expert help in developing your story and fixing up your writing.

  • We provide professional help for your manuscript.

  • Get advice on creating exciting stories.

Getting Ready to
Publish Your Book

  • Your book is finished, but it needs proofreading and a professional cover to be its best.

  • We can help your book stand out and grab attention.

  • Don’t let all your hard work go to waste!

Ready to Boost Your
Book Sales

  • Work with us to come up with a plan to promote your book online.

  • Get your book in front of more people and achieve the success it deserves.

  • Use our skills to boost your sales.

Take Your Book to the Next Level

We are a team of experts in promotion, editing, and design, who believe that self-published writers should have full control over their stories.

We provide services like editing, cover design, proofreading, and online promotion to help you get your book ready to sell quickly.

If you're ready to take charge of your self-publishing journey, we're here to help you reach your goals every step of the way.

The Writem team scrum meeting

What Our Clients Say

"Simply put, no one else does what they do. I am delighted to recommend their exceptional services. To me Writem is an indispensable and integral part of my publishing process."
John Spearman, award winning author
Gallantry In Action by John Spearman

You're In Control

Writer busy working on a laptop at home

Do you love writing and want to share your stories with people all over the world?


You have two options: traditional publishing or self-publishing. But why deal with the long and picky process of traditional publishing?


With Writem, you can publish your book your way and earn up to 70% of the money from sales. Traditional publishing can take months just to look at your manuscript, and they still might not accept it. Self-publishing with Writem is the way to go!

At Writem, we believe that authors should have full control over their work.


You get to choose when to publish, how your book will look, and how to promote it. With our help, you can reach readers, grow your brand, and enjoy the rewards of your efforts.

We believe your story deserves to be shared, and we're here to help you do that.

Female writer busy making notes while her dog sits on her lap

Common Questions

Self-publish vs traditional publisher?

Choosing between self-publishing and traditional publishing depends on various factors, and each option has its advantages and considerations. Here's a breakdown to help you make an informed decision: 1. Self-Publishing: Control: You have complete control over the publishing process, from writing and editing to cover design and marketing strategies. Speed: Self-publishing allows for a quicker release of your book. You can set your own timeline without the lengthy process of traditional publishing. Royalties: You retain a higher percentage of royalties per sale, as you are the sole proprietor of your work. Creative Freedom: You have the freedom to explore unconventional genres, writing styles, or niche topics without conforming to market trends. Global Reach: Through online platforms, your book can reach a global audience, and you can easily experiment with different formats like ebooks and audiobooks. Considerations for Self-Publishing: Requires a hands-on approach to marketing and promotion. You'll need to invest in professional editing, cover design, and formatting services. Building an author platform and marketing strategy is essential. 2. Traditional Publishing: Credibility: Being traditionally published can lend credibility to your work. Publishers often have established reputations that can boost your book's perceived value. Distribution: Traditional publishers have established distribution channels, increasing the likelihood of your book being available in physical stores. Editorial Support: You benefit from professional editing, cover design, and marketing support provided by the publishing house. Advance Payment: Some authors receive an advance payment from the publisher, providing financial support during the writing process. Industry Connections: Traditional publishers have industry connections that can open doors to awards, reviews, and literary events. Considerations for Traditional Publishing: The submission and approval process can be lengthy and competitive. You may have less control over certain aspects of the publishing process. Royalties are typically lower compared to self-publishing. Ultimately, the choice depends on your goals, preferences, and the specific nature of your book. Some authors hybrid-publish, combining elements of both approaches. Research thoroughly, consider your priorities, and decide which path aligns best with your vision for your writing career.

How much does it cost to publish a book?

The costs of publishing a book can vary widely based on several factors, including the publishing path you choose (traditional or self-publishing), the complexity of your book, and the services you opt for. Developmental Editing: This focuses on the structure and content of your manuscript. Copy Editing: Involves checking grammar, syntax, and consistency. Proofreading: A final check for typos and minor errors. Book Cover Design: A professionally designed cover is crucial. Formatting: Formatting ensures your book looks good in print and digital formats. ISBN (International Standard Book Number): If you're self-publishing, you may need to purchase an ISBN. In the U.S., a single ISBN can cost around $125, but packages may offer better value. Printing: If you're self-publishing in print, consider the cost of printing each copy. Print-on-demand services can reduce upfront costs. Distribution: Distributing your book through platforms like Amazon may involve fees or a percentage of sales. Marketing and Promotion: Budget for marketing activities such as book launch events, promotional materials, and online advertising. Costs vary widely. Author Website: If you choose to have a website for your book or author platform, consider domain registration and hosting fees. Author Copies: If you're self-publishing, you might want copies for personal use or promotional purposes. Factor in the cost per copy. Legal Fees: If you decide to consult a lawyer for contracts or copyright matters, legal fees can add to your expenses. Self-Publishing Platforms: Some self-publishing platforms may charge fees or take a percentage of your book sales. Book Launch and Promotion: Consider costs for launch events, book tours, or promotional activities. It's essential to plan your budget carefully and prioritise services based on your goals and the quality you aim to achieve.

Do I need an editor?

Yes, having an editor is crucial for any writer, whether you are pursuing traditional publishing or self-publishing. Here are several reasons why an editor is essential: Objective Evaluation: An editor provides an unbiased, professional assessment of your work. They can identify areas that may need improvement, ensuring your writing is clear, engaging, and error-free. Grammar and Style: Editors are experts in grammar, syntax, and writing style. They can correct errors, improve sentence structure, and enhance overall readability. Consistency: An editor ensures consistency in tone, style, and formatting throughout your manuscript. This consistency is vital for a polished and professional final product. Story Development: For fiction writers, editors can offer insights into character development, plot structure, and pacing. They help enhance the overall narrative and keep the reader engaged. Clarity and Flow: Editors focus on the clarity and flow of your writing. They can suggest revisions to eliminate confusing passages and improve the overall coherence of your work. Target Audience: Editors consider your target audience and make recommendations to ensure your writing resonates with the intended readership. Professionalism: A well-edited manuscript demonstrates professionalism. Whether submitting to literary agents or self-publishing, a polished manuscript increases your chances of success. Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Editors can identify and rectify common writing pitfalls, such as redundant phrases, clichés, or inconsistent characterization. Meeting Publishing Standards: If you're aiming for traditional publishing, a professionally edited manuscript is essential. Publishers and literary agents expect a high standard of writing in submissions. Personal Growth: Working with an editor provides an opportunity for personal growth as a writer. You can learn from their feedback and improve your skills for future projects. Whether you hire a developmental editor, a copy editor, or a proofreader depends on your specific needs and the stage of your manuscript. Investing in professional editing services is a valuable step toward producing a polished, high-quality piece of writing.

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