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Solomon Gray is about to find out...

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Amazon 5 Star Rating
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In a Crumbling World, Survival Has No Limits.

The Eastern Front 1945: A Novel Based In The Dying Days Of The Second World War

1945 - Germany. The world is exploding.

As the Red Army marches from the east and the Allies from the west, Germany's Third Thousand-Year Reich is about to come to an abrupt, violent end.


Trapped in the middle are men like Otto Kunkel, forced to fight in a war that he didn't want but whose consequences he has to pay for nonetheless. To what limits would you go to survive in a world of death that is falling apart around you?

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Written by Tony Hernandez, best-selling author of Slaughter & Maneuver, comes the next look into the dark corners of men's hearts.

The violence serves the story very well as war isn't pretty and this author managed to create a dark and dangerous mood throughout the novel.


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About the Author

Tony Hernandez is the bestselling author of Slaughter & Maneuver, with more books spanning multiple genres. From WWII historical fiction to time-traveling police procedurals, Tony's fiction has the same underlying theme. No one is safe when the darkness of men's hearts is involved. After all, no one likes happily ever after.

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