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Intro to Choosing the Right Formatting Style for Your Genre 📚

Hi, I’m Jake from Writem, and if you’ve ever wondered how to make your manuscript look clean, professional, and polished, you’re in the right place! Whether you’re writing a thrilling mystery, a magical fantasy, or a personal development guide, getting your formatting right is essential. It’s not just about how your book looks; it’s about creating an experience that aligns with what your readers expect from your genre.

Think about it—have you ever opened a book and found it hard to read because the layout was messy or inconsistent? It’s frustrating, right? A well-formatted book keeps readers engaged, makes dialogue flow smoothly, and ensures that every plot twist or life lesson hits just the way it should.

Now, when it comes to formatting, every genre has its own set of rules. Romance novels? They love elegant chapter titles and smooth, well-spaced text. But fantasy books? You’re looking at decorative chapter dividers and maybe even a glossary. Each genre has its own vibe, and nailing that in your formatting can make a huge difference in how your book feels.

But here’s the thing—there’s a lot more to it than just font choices and margins. From avoiding common mistakes to using the best tools for the job, it takes some know-how to get it just right. That’s where my full paid guide comes in.

I’ve put together an in-depth article that breaks down formatting practices for different genres, provides examples, and recommends the top tools that can make this process a breeze. Plus, I’ve thrown in step-by-step tips for using software like Vellum, Atticus and Kindle Create, so you can ensure your manuscript is top-notch.

Here’s a taster of what you can expect:

Fiction Genres

Formatting for fiction genres varies widely, reflecting the unique characteristics and reader expectations of each type of story. Understanding these distinctions ensures your manuscript aligns with genre conventions and enhances the reader's immersive experience. Let’s explore the specific formatting practices for popular fiction genres to help your book stand out.


Formatting for fiction genres varies widely, reflecting the unique characteristics and reader expectations of each type of story. Understanding these distinctions ensures your manuscript aligns with genre conventions and enhances the reader's immersive experience. Let’s explore the specific formatting practices for popular fiction genres to help your book stand out.

  • Romance novels typically begin each chapter on a new page.

  • Chapter titles are centered and often feature elegant fonts.

  • Fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond, at a size of 12, are commonly used for the body text.

  • Line spacing of 1.15 or 1.5 is ideal for readability.

  • For dialogue, proper indentation and clear paragraph breaks are crucial. This enhances the flow of emotional scenes, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the characters' experiences.

An example of this formatting can be seen in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The novel uses clean, well-structured chapter headings, aligning perfectly with the expectations of the romance genre.

Key Takeaways for Romance:

  • Ensure chapters begin on a new page.

  • Center and use elegant fonts for chapter titles.

  • Use Times New Roman or Garamond for the body text.

  • Apply 1.15 or 1.5 line spacing for clarity and readability.

  • Dialogue must be properly indented to enhance emotional flow.


  • In fantasy novels, formatting reflects the magical or mythical tone of the story.

  • Elaborate fonts are often used for chapter titles, giving the reader a sense of the book's epic or otherworldly nature.

  • Thematic elements such as illustrations, maps, and decorative dividers are incorporated to enhance world-building.

  • Many fantasy novels also include glossaries or appendices, which should be formatted seamlessly into the design.

The Harry Potter series is a great example of how decorative chapter headings and illustrations contribute to the magical atmosphere of the story. These additional elements draw readers deeper into the fantasy world and maintain consistency throughout the book.

Key Takeaways for Fantasy:

  • Choose elaborate fonts for chapter titles to reflect the mystical tone.

  • Use illustrations, maps, and dividers to enhance the world-building experience.

  • Include glossaries or appendices seamlessly in the design if necessary.

If you’re serious about giving your manuscript the professional treatment it deserves, you won’t want to miss it. Flip over to my full article, where I’ll walk you through everything from start to finish, ensuring you’re ready to hit "publish" with confidence.

Trust me—great formatting can make a world of difference for your book. So why not take that extra step to give it the attention it deserves? Head on over to get the complete guide and make your manuscript shine.

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