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Self-Publishing Tools

Updated: Jan 31

There are loads of different tools out on the market to help self-published authors. Here we look at some of the most useful that we have personal experience with, here at Writem.

Self-published author writing at a desk


For PC users, look no further than Microsoft Word. If you’re a Mac owner, then it’s Apple Pages(although you can get Word on Apple too).

However, there are also several specialist writing and outlining apps developed specifically for authors. There is the cost to purchase them, of course, and there is a learning curve to follow. However, these apps are excellent for authors who plan – users can group all kinds of documents together. A popular app for organising ideas and writing a manuscript is Scrivener (which offers a month’s free use for new sign-ups). A recent entrant is Atticus which also offers formatting tools.


There really isn’t a substitute for an actual, experienced person editing manuscripts. However, for basic coverage, there are a couple of options – Grammarly and ProWritingAid. Both offer free options, but their breadth is limited. Otherwise, you have to pay to use it.


Amazon’s KDP system will automatically format your manuscript. However, if you wish to have some more control over the look (such as adding header detail and so on) then Draft2Digital (D2D) is a good (and free) choice.D2D also acts as a route to market for self-publishers following the wide strategy. One upload of the manuscript, cover, and product description allows access to almost all the available stores (including libraries). Software alternatives are Atticus or Vellum.

Universal Book Links

As Amazon operates a different storefront per country this means multiple weblinks for your book to make things simple for readers a Universal Book Link is an alternative – one URL for all countries and stores.

A simple website to use is Books2Read (part of the D2D group) which automatically looks for all stores your book is in. You can also create your own unique URL. You’ll need to sign-up for an account, but it’s free.

Market Analysis

If you’re the kind of person who wants an in-depth data analysis of all the layers, categories, sub-categories, buying trends, etc. at Amazon, then go no further than k-lytics. Although focused on the US market, the information this team produces is intricately detailed. There are various membership levels – from monthly updates to one-off special reports on key categories.

Category and Keyword Selection

Publisher Rocket (PR) is an invaluable tool for multiple uses. First and foremost developing keywords for uploading into Amazon’s KDP – PR allows the user to review terms across several markets (US, UK, Germany) for competitiveness and value. The idea is to find keywords Amazon purchasers actually type in that lead to increased sales.

PR can also be utilized to evaluate Amazon categories and keywords for Amazon ads. All for a single, one-off payment. The app is regularly updated and improved.

Email Marketing

If you’re building an email list then you’ll need somewhere to store all those addresses. A whole industry has arisen in email marketing and various service companies offer different packages, depending on how complex a strategy you have. In general, these businesses charge a monthly fee based on how many addresses you have – expect to pay when you have over 2,000 subscribers. There are several options to choose from – MailChimp, MailerLite, and Octopus are all worth a look.

Reader Magnets

If you’ve set up a reader magnet to collect email addresses in exchange for a free book then you need BookFunnel. Here, authors can upload their books (the number depends on the annual fee)and supply a download link for readers. It makes the whole transfer process relatively straightforward.

Website Hosting

If you want your own webpage (preferably with your author name as the URL) then you’ll need a hosting facility. Two options to consider are Squarespace and WordPress. The former charges different prices depending on complexity and offers a business option (so you can sell books through them – unless you’re exclusive with Amazon). Whereas WordPress is free – originally it was a blogging site.

Writing Course

If you want to go all in and develop a broad knowledge of the self-publishing market then there are several writing courses you can take for a fee. The most comprehensive is that by best-selling author Mark Dawson, the Self-Publishing Formula.

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